So er yea still working on my little problem, probably have at least a partially functioning comp (that can do more than just do text and basic image entry blogging) and be back to normal soon.
At this time however I'm digging out a dusty old case and butchering every other computer i have to come up with a desktop that at least can attempt to run half my toys...
...yea well that's the idea, practical application of this has proved somewhat frustrating at best.
Now where did i put my hammer?
How badly did you wreak it in the first place o_O. Btw, have you thought of getting a cup holder that's attached to your wall, away from your comp, so you won't have as many opportunities to knock it over?
but why my comp came with a special DVD cup holder...
...sorry kidding kidding but yea that may be wise.
Lol, had me worried. Ok, not really, I give you much more credit than that.
Good luck ^^ //huggles
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