Showing posts with label Focus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Focus. Show all posts

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Daily Blogg: The female of the species...

ok a very quick look into that strange and elusive creature known as Woman..


It's not difficult to make a woman happy.

A man only needs to be:

1. a friend
2. a companion
3. a lover
4. a brother
5. a father
6. a master
7. a chef
8. an electrician
9. a carpenter
10. a plumber
11. a mechanic
12. a decorator
13. a stylist
14. a sexologist
15. a gynecologist
16. a psychologist
17. a pest exterminator
18. a psychiatrist
19. a healer
20. a good listener
21. an organizer
22. a good father
23. very clean
24. sympathetic
25. athletic
26. warm
27. attentive
28. gallant
29. intelligent
30. funny
31. creative
32. tender
33. strong
34. understanding
35. tolerant
36. prudent
37. ambitious
38. capable
39. courageous
40. determined
41. true
42. dependable
43. passionate
44. compassionate

45. give her compliments regularly
46. love shopping
47. be honest
48. be very rich
49. not stress her out
50. not look at other girls

51. give her lots of attention, but expect little yourself
52. give her lots of time, especially time for herself
53. give her lots of space, never worrying about where she goes

54. Never to forget:
* birthdays
* anniversaries
* arrangements she makes


1. Show up naked
2. Bring food

and most of the time one or the other is good enough

Monday, March 17, 2008


Today i should warn you i shall be somewhat incoherently drunk. Attempting to make any form of sense of this traditional binge drinking and gluttony is pointless and any real meaning will be lost in a river of green vomit.

well thats how it will be everywhere EXCEPT IRELAND!

Yes over here we drink to remember where we come from, we drink to forget what we have done to our country and reputation with the last 100 years of infighting and we drink simply because after all that soul searching we want to get totally pissed and try to get on with our families & friends after they get all emotional on us. The Irish have an unfortunate reputation for drunkenness and aggressive behavior and fighting, If you didn't already know this is almost all hyperbole and hearsay. Yes were a little bit ashamed of our worldwide reputation as drunken fighti'n midgets but lets be honest here despite our ability to drink ridiculous amounts of pretty much anything and come out the other side not only able to walk in a straight line but able to hold your own in a bar fight comfortably is something of an advantage when you consider that Ireland's biggest single export is (and always will be) our people.

Remember that today that one in every three people in the USA is a minimum of 5% Irish (yes we will screw a hole in the wall, thats what the booze is for) so feel free to go out in the full knowledge that one in every three people you come across fighting and drinking today is fully justified to do so as part of there heritage, the other two are just pale imitation and should be mocked and will be by the end of the day utterly regretting that last pint while there Irish blooded brothers & sisters continue to enhance there stupor.

So happy Irish drinking day everybody, but do me a favor before you start the insanity please at lest try to remember that this is a celebration of the life of a saint and that generations of us poor bastards despite our reputation have exported more poets, art and literature per person than any other country in the world.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

System Restore Update: #1

Y'know im not normally one to got over the top with upgrades but under the circumstances and given access to all the old tech that the office is throwing out (so they can claim new stuff on the insurance) i think "twisting" the letter of the law in order to get my fridge box back could be counted as more than within the levels of karma's wrath.

The unit your looking at is NOT my system but it is the same cooling system as mine and will look almost identical to how mine will look externally but with a few tweaks. the only problem it could take up to two weeks (maby more) to get everything set up due primarily because i refuse point blank to to EVER use windows vista.

none the less all should be well sometime in the very very near future.

Thursday, January 24, 2008

Daily Blogg: Mowar fanz?

So I've been looking for a reasonably cheap case mod that will help keep my poor little computer's processor nice and cool.

THIS (see pic) is the answer, well this combined with a case with more holes in it than Swiss cheese (painted yellow of coarse) and with the fans wired up to there own power source THE HUMMING CHEESETM for the fans works so i can access the internal should be the most efficiently cooled computer i will ever build. I swear it WILL look better when i put the cover on it, i just need to make it big enough to fit over the fans and cut the vent holes over the fan locations and put the mesh on to stop dust and crap getting in and make shure the rising swing hinge component has enough free space so I can open the side panel to swap out parts as and when its needed.

Sadly its probably also going to be the biggest and loudest too, but this is the price we pay for functionality. None the less it seems i have turned my Comp into one massive heat sink. If everything go's to plan it should be finished some time this weekend and the new case should be finished around monday or tuesday next week. None the less...

PH33R T3H CH33Z!

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Daily Blogg: OMG! im a supervillain!

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(click for full size)

Wow, what a new years prezzie! Redfox & LightCloud i thank you in the only way i know how, by giving you space in my own little corner of the internet, THANKY OU!

Funny thing is i always though it would be fun to be a super villain, they always seem to have more fun that the hero's plus lets be honest i have the beard for it.
now if you will excuse me i must practice my evil laugh and prepare my death traps.

But it is true i an a bit harsh when i review "certain" games but i gotta wonder..where are my monkeys?

Oh don't forget guys i will as always have a How too tomorrow and should have everything back to normal by the end of the week.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Daily Blog: Just for a moment...

I know that normally this time of the week is taken up with me ranting on some subject of little or no importance over some perceived personal slight against me or the gaming community at large...

...not today...

As you probably know the fires that have consumed California are still raging out of control and Governor schwarzenegger (dear god i hate saying that...Austrian asshat) claims that although the fire fighting personnel is doing everything they can that this natural disaster "should have been planed for and a plan of action put into place to evacuate the people much sooner than we did"... shit Arnold...

Evidence has already come to light that disaster watchdogs were informed that a disaster like this "would in all probability" arise if government funds were not diverted into a "sizable firebreak" around the dry woodland areas as soon as possible....this was back in 1998 and again in 2002...

...I guess Arnie didn't need that new Hummer on the states penny after all...
now don't get me wrong I'm not blaming the overly chunky Austrian monkey for this entire situation, however I AM blaming him for using this as a political boost while peoples entire lives burn to cinders while he happily pisses off out of the state while having many of his personal effects moved to his second home on government transports!

Now if you would be so kind now that this debacle is out in the open can we please take a second to think about those who have already lost there possessions and in some cases there lives due to government greed and shortsightedness

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Rant : WoW races (Warning contains wow Lore)

I cannot believe I'm doing this again...

...I keep getting in to truly geeked out arguments about the various Warcraft races or to be more precise WTF is going on with them all.
Now as we know Orc's and Dreni are aliens from what is now known as outlands, and rumour has it that Nightelfs are nothing more than evolved Trolls (and by extension Bloodelfs are evolved from Nightelves) and if warcraft lore is to be believed Humans are evolved Troggs (sheesh) and Dwarfs are basically mini titans left behind after the well of eternity exploded.

But what of the mighty Tauren?

Oddly Tauren are the only race in Warcraft lore that simply has no real origin. The Tauren or Shu'halo are known to be nomads and have walked Azeroth since the dawn of time and that they simply refused to take part in the "War of the Ancients" choosing only to defend Azeroth herself (whom they refer to as the Earthmother) and in the process joining forces with the remnants for the centaur race and in turn developing modern Druidism which in turn Centaurus (High Lord and now Demi God) took to his now immortal children the Night Elfs and turned ther focus from the corrupting influence of Arcane magic towards nature and Druidism.

As for where the Tauren came from...well...your guess is as good as seems that they are the first True sentient race on Azeroth and basically the inventors of Druid magic forms...

....ether that or we have some sick b*stards out there with a cow fetish....
None the less i hope this puts a few role players in there place, as frankly I'm sick of hearing about it...

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

How To: Free WIFI Booster

WIFI Antenna Hack! - Click here for more free videos

OK so many of you have already watched this vid and thought "WTF! your kidding right?" but no I'm serious this not only works but works so damn well that given the simplicity of this modification ($5-6 or £2-4) its almost criminal not to use it.

Now a few more of the less technically minded of you are screaming "I DON'T WANT TO BREAK MY ROUTER!" but you still want a decent WIFI boost? well then why not try this video then?

Free* WIFI Booster - Watch more amazing videos here

So there you have it, by following BOTH these guides i have managed to achieve a massive 70% signal boost to my WIFI and can now comfortably play games such as Final Fantasy XI and World of Warcraft from the former maximum range of my little router with a minimum of three bars! I have to admit that i wish i had found this earlier in the year so i could have enjoyed surfing in the garden without constraints. None the less my little £19.99 ($40.00) router now consistently out shines even top of the range routers...

...Don't get me wrong it looks dumb as hell until you re-spray but its not bad for a drinking straw and a bit of tin foil eh?

*Free is by definition takeing into account that you have at least some technical expertise and are not a ham fisted troll with the dexterity of a manatee thet will destroy any electronic device you happen to touch.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Wow that some tasty free RAM!

Now as many of you know I'm something of a gamer...

...and as many more of you know I'm cheap...very cheap....I LOATH upgrading my computer its expensive and frustrating at the best of times and tends to lead to unfortunate cases of broken components, but even worse you sometimes have to compromise about space. Fortunately this funky little programme allows you to clean and optimise your RAM in a simple one click system.

To be honest i just finished re-uploading this for a guy i met earlier today in my home town and while I was on PSPCrazy adding this new link i though why not give access to all you lot too.

so be like me be cheap and free and download this little toy today before the Powers that be decide to kill it again.

Download at MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

Name: hauer
Key : 9034728194368

Now a little word of warning certain firewalls *cough* Mcafee *cough* will see this as a PUG (potentially unwanted programme) basically ignore it, Macafee hates everybody.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

God of the Interweb Focus:

As some of you may have noticed this blog has a little section for links i call "Gods of the interweb" where i link you lot to some of my own personal favourite websites.

With that in mind i will on occasion add a new link to this oh so elitist little link space on my page, when this happens i will be doing a post like this so you can see what is new and why i have added it.

Before i start this post properly i will point out that i am probably going to be a tad biased toward AnimeCrazy the latest project from the guys and girls responsible for & Now for those of you wondering why this is such a huge deal all i have to say is GO VISIT THE DAMN SITE! as for why well thats easy offers up a frankly HUGE library of anime in a ready to use format utilizing a number of different video systems such as Viho and Googlevideo to distribute only the best quality Anime for free in a ready to use catalogued and accessible system that to date i have never seen matched in such a professional format. Add to this a well established and friendly forum where you can discuss the latest plot twists and awesome fight scenes with like minded and friendly people and you have one hell of a website. Oh and before i get a lot of "isn't that illegal" comments i would like to point out that there are no restrictions on distributing Anime and animated products form Asia anywhere in the west, so just chill sit back and revel in the Japanese tastyness....mmm anime...tastes like yummyness.

(yes its a shamless plug for a friend but everything i said stands)
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