OH NO! Monday has once again stalked me into a corner and is punishing me with all of its evil er mondayness...
...wait that isn't a word...
...dammit i cant even think properly on this the most loathsome of days, none the less another week has decided to rear its ugly head and has the eternal cheek to to bring with it the terrifying fact that Christmas is only eight days away!
so as this week is the last before the festival of turkey eating and family argument so i shall endeavor to give you a little gift of some type every single day.
With that in mind i have went out of my way to do a very special how too this week that if your even slightly technically minded you will have a very cool present for yourself or maby even as a gift for a loved one.
There will also be a reprisal of Cheat spot this week once again focusing on the much neglected XBOX community. Ok that's it for today with the exception of one minor thing...
... Happy Holiday's
Jesus Christ what the hell was that?!
That my dear dove is Brandon(Oxhorn)Dennis and his epic version of the 12 days of christmas specificly for WoW in Machima form...
..Awsome isnt it?
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