Saturday, November 24, 2007

Movie Night: Bruce Almighty

Part 1

Part 2

Ah isn't life fun, i mean every week i throw another movie at you and every week no body bothers to leave a comment, for most people this would put them off but not me....much....

So here we are again with a Late movie night because last night i felt like a wanted a rant but since nobodies gonna read this and about 30% of my reader base only comes here for the movies i post i suppose i should STFU and just get on with it...yes i am feeling emo...bite my crank...

Sorry but i guess I'm feeling a little under appreciated.. i mean only 170 hits this week...I'm actually disappointed! so i though i should pull a Jim Carrey movie out in the lame and simple hopes that it inspires a little giggle and maby a comment or three....

i know normally i do plot and other stuff down here but TBH if you haven't seen this film (or at least herd of it) you must have been living under a rock but if you have i suppose i should do something...Jim Carrry pisses of god and god decides in his infinite glory to give this gormless moron enough rope to hang himself by handing over his infinite power and taking a holiday...

...probably best of all though is the fact that god is black...yep the bible belt screamed at that too...personally i pissed myself at there discomfort and hope that you too feel the need to do something similar...oh well enjoy the film!

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