So i started this week (easter holidays and all) on a bit of a downturn...
...i was a little down and as you all know misery LOVES company and i like rubbing religious types up the wrong way and thus my zombie Jesus theory of evangelism.
not sorry in the slightest for doing so as i think its funny as hell to make you all squirm.
Anyway back to this weeks project and the rebirth of "The Humming Cheese Mk2.5" also known as "what i can make out of my computer spare parts bin when im bored out of my skull".
The picture is NOT the new cheese by the way just a shot of my work though isnt it?
but it means i now have yet another back up mid range desktop if my comp decides to take a dump and combined with my external HD it means no matter what happens i can continue working....
...wait i may want to rethink this...
...knew i should built a robot.
We shall call it
"Return of the Cheese Case"?
how about
"Cheeseman Returns"?
"Cheese case resurrection"?
"Cheese case Mk2 electric boogaloo"?
for my own Gouda i should probibly not Leicester red into this too much...
...oh dairy dairy me that one was a real stinker.
maby i should just Cheeto and fromage not to make any more bad puns.
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