Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Daily Blogg: World of crafted poetry

A little poetry for all you vanilla wow players.

Azeroth farm remembers

In days of old when Palas told of fights with dragon kin,
and warlocks slung shard of souls to keep there demons in,
the Warriors and Hunters fought for every piece of loot,
Raid leaders ran a 40 man and gave ninjas the boot.
The mages (mostly gnomes you see) on the alliance side
made raid bosses scream and run about and even try to hide,
there DPS was off the charts to earn there DKP,
cast there mighty spells reduced there target all to soot for all of us to see,
the priests and druids eyed up the healing clothie gear to get a T3 suit,
Shamans owned in PVP with totem shock's and root.
All of this i say to you the newer gamer chap, we did all this before Blizz came up with TBC crap
and now we have a frozen emo nancy King to beat,
we slaughtered gods and beheaded drakes, all of them dead meat,
Surly a little gothic prince cant make us quake in fear,
we saddle up we level hard grab epics far and near,
we worry not you see at Lv80 though it may sound rather queer,
all we have to do you see is let rogues take him roughly from the rear. :p

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