Monday, September 15, 2008

Daily Blogg: World of WTF?

Well its taken me the better part of three years almost 3Gb of patches and more blood sweat and tears than frankly im willing to admit, but i finally done it.
As of 23.15 GMT on September 14th 2008 i have finally managed to level EVERY CLASS on BOTH factions covering every race in the damn game to Lv70 on Retail WoW.

....yay me....

Only one icckle problem...
...I got my replacement Wrath of the Lich King Beta Key (password and login) emailed to me this morning.

Ive already started to clone my Human Paladin and Undead Warlock so i can unlock the Deathknight on both factions (that and there the only ones with decent armor that wont embarrass me when i spawn in) so i can head North and grab the beta testing armor and weapon packs for the vendors and attempt to see exactly what this snow covered land can throw at me.

In the words of a great man: Im going for a walk, I may be some time.



Anonymous said...

...So this has been what you were doing whenever you couldn't post :P.
Seriously dude, lay off the WoW.

//cookie <3

Aries said...

do something at work...y'know besides actually work *cough*

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