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Wow, what a new years prezzie! Redfox & LightCloud i thank you in the only way i know how, by giving you space in my own little corner of the internet, THANKY OU!
Funny thing is i always though it would be fun to be a super villain, they always seem to have more fun that the hero's plus lets be honest i have the beard for it.
now if you will excuse me i must practice my evil laugh and prepare my death traps.
But it is true i an a bit harsh when i review "certain" games but i gotta wonder..where are my monkeys?
Oh don't forget guys i will as always have a How too tomorrow and should have everything back to normal by the end of the week.
congrats, aries. post volume 2 soon
gonna post it up in a few moments!
and its up!
....i wanna cookie!
*hands aries a cookie* happy?
the evil it is contented...FOR NOW!
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