...much pooping myself later and after being wound up by my friends regarding abuse and exploitation of in game weapons and equipment (warlock DPS bugg my bum) leading me to believe i was getting my ass kicked, about 3 hours later I finally got to talk to Auch (Mike) on MSN...
After a little beating about the bush and Auch having a little fun with me too i was invited to once more take up the mantle of
So hail to the king baby! I'm back. Now I'm off to get my hands dirty...
Haha welcome-back, Aries!
I'm still trying to figure out why you got kicked out of your position anyway. :-/
Ncide @ Dominion
LOL that makes two of us, i guess it was just a clash of personalitys with a member of the previous administrtion wanting a profressional level service for free and getting upset when staff actualy acted like people.
said it once and i'll say it again, you get what you pay for.
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